Tuesday, November 25, 2008

STFU About Obama Already

I really don't understand the big deal about Obama becoming the next President of the USA. Say what you want about McCain, W, or whoever...but Obama is just another politician that will take up my TV space for the next 4 years.

To tell you the truth, I would rather have seen McCain win, mainly because I liked the stance he had on certain policies. I don't care about Rep vs. Dem, but I do tend to side with the Rep's more often than not. I believe the government should stay out of the peoples' business...something the Dem's just don't get. I don't want the government to run my life.

My big thing is the gun laws. I'm a hunter and I enjoy using guns. I am very safe with them and each of the guns I own are properly documented and completely legal. I do believe that laws are needed to insure certain types of weapons don't end up in the wrong hands. But, seriously, why the fuck is Obama believing that by restricting ownership is going to solve the crime rates? Criminals don't give a flying fuck if the gun they are using in a particular drive-by is registered.

A couple of cliche's come to mind that perfectly sum up my thoughts on gun control:

1. If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them.

2. There are no good guns...there are no bad guns...a gun in the hands of a bad man is a bad thing...a gun in the hands of a good man is no threat to anyone...except bad people. [- Heston]

And another thing about Obama...he preached and bellowed that this election had nothing to do with race or being black or that he's black at all...and the media preached and bellowed the same spew...

...until the day after the motherfuckin election...

NOW that's all we fucking hear about!...the first BLACK President!...the BLACK people have won!...the BLACK population has a voice!...

Shut the fuck up already. I don't care what color your skin is or was. I'm not a racist, but if you're that hung up on your color, then maybe you are. I want a leader. People voted for this guy because of two things:

1. Race
2. Party Affiliation

And those two items boil down to nothing but ignorance. People don't know anything about this guy. There are people who voted for him not even knowing what his policies were. Hell, there are people who were told that Obama's policies were his own. And after they agreed they were very much behind said policies, it was revealed they were really McCain's policies! You know what?...those dumb fucks still said they were voting for Obama!!

...And why the fuck did it take 8 months for his birth records to be released from Hawaii?! Why is it not suspicious to anyone that the Governor of HI "sealed" his birth records? And then, mere days before the election, a birth certificate appears before the panel that reviews the candidates background? In today's digital age, it would take just a couple hours to forge a birth certificate...are you fuckin kidding me? But you won't hear this shit from the Democratic media.

Look, McCain wasn't no angel. I didn't really like some of his shit either. Once again, it came down to voting for the lesser of two evils and I opted for McCain. But this Obama shit is just plain retarded. The American people don't know shit. And the Dem's aren't stupid...if Obama fucks it up they'll just blame the old W policies. And people are lemmings so they eat that shit up when it's force fed to them by the talking heads on their 50" LCD TV.

Does anyone remember that the country was beginning it's downward spiral during the Clinton years? You don't? Then you have a bad fucking memory. But guess what?, it wasn't his fault. Guess what? It wasn't W's fault either! The President has absolutely no control of the economy. Are people really that boneheaded that they believe one person on the planet has control of world spending and job markets? Jesus, wake up people.

Look...Obama's going to be the Pres for the next 4 years at a minimum, so I'm dealing with it (not like Gore and all that bullshit...popular vote doesn't mean shit people...get over it). But if I hear one more person tell me that Obama deserves the job and he's going to save the world, I'm going to projectile vomit in their direction.

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on about how stupid American people really are about politics, but I've got a job to do and a family to support.....

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